Introduction to Vim abbreviations

:: Jan 5, 2021 :: vim L2 ::


One of the less known Vim features is “abbreviations”. It’s something similar to mapping, but it has a different purpose.

Abbreviations are a very flexible and really powerful tool.

For simplicity, this post will cover only the Insert mode abbreviations. This is Part 1 of the post. Part 2 will be published soon.

Basic use of abbreviations

The command
The command for Insert mode abbreviations looks like this:

:iabbrev [<expr>] [<buffer>] {abbreviation} {expansion}

Anything that’s inside a [] is optional.

Correcting typos
Let’s start with the simple commands first.

Run this command in your Vim: :iabbrev teh the. Now enter the Insert mode and type teh end. As soon as you hit Space after typing the teh, Vim will replace it with the.

You probably have a few or more words which you misspell quite often. This is a good way to solve that problem.

Expanding commonly used phrases
Of course, you can store all of your abbreviations in your .vimrc file. For example:

iabbrev @@
iabbrev ccc Copyright 2020 Jovica Ilic, all rights reserved.

You’re coding in C? How about:

iabbrev #i #include
iabbrev #d #define

Now, let’s create one abbreviation with a Vimscript expression. We can use strftime() function. If you run this command in Vim: :put =strftime('%c'), you’ll insert the current date and time in your current buffer.

So, we can do something like this with an abbreviation:

iabbrev <expr> ddd strftime('%c')

Save your .vimrc, open Vim and try them out. Cool, ha? :)

Basic text expanding and correcting spelling mistakes are just the tip of the iceberg. You can use abbreviations to generate entire code snippets.

Advanced use of abbreviations

Let’s create an abbreviation for generating a C style comment:

iabbrev cc /*<CR><CR>/<Up>

Basically, after you type cc in Insert mode and hit Space, a code snippet like this is generated:


In the expression above, we basically told Vim to type /* then hit Enter twice(<CR>), type / and hit the key.

If you have to write Java code for a living, you could add something like this to your .vimrc:

iabbrev psvm public static void main(String[] args){<CR>}<CR><Up><CR><Up>

So every time you type psvm and hit Space, you get a snippet like:

public static void main(String[] args){


File-type specific abbreviations
What if you want to use the same abbreviation for multiple programming languages? This is possible, as you can use abbreviations in auto commands. This way, you can create file-type specific abbreviations.

Let’s say we want to make one abbreviation for printing a string in Python and Java.

autocmd Filetype python :iabbrev ppp print("");<left><left><left>
autocmd FileType java :iabbrev ppp System.out.println("");<left><left><left>

With these lines in your .vimrc, you can now hit ppp and Space, and depending on the file type, you’ll insert an appropriate snippet for printing a string!

Let’s have a look at another, more complex example:

autocmd FileType c iabbrev start #include <stdio.h>
                                     \#include <stdlib.h>
                                     \#include <stdbool.h>
                                     \int main() {
                                     \  printf("hello\n");
                                     \  return 0;

So if you open a .c file, type start and hit Space, you’ll get the following snippet:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

int main() {
        return 0;


This is pretty cool. But all these “Enters” and other keys we need to simulate make these expressions a bit overwhelming. There’s a better way!

Vim commands in abbreviations
Let’s get back to the previous abbreviation we defined for Java:

iabbrev psvm public static void main(String[] args){<CR>}<CR><Up><CR><Up>

We can achieve the same result with the following snippet:

iabbrev psvm public static void main(String[] args){<CR>}<esc>O

What happens here? Let’s see:

Instead of simulating every single keystroke, we can “hit” Esc to go to Normal mode. From there, we can run any command we want :)

How about creating a for loop, and placing our cursor in Insert mode, exactly where the cursor should be?

Here’s a simple C-style loop sample:

for (i=1; i<=NUM; i++) {


We could create an abbreviation like this:

iabbrev forl for (i=1; i<=NUM; i++) {<CR><CR>}<Esc>?NUM<CR>cw

What happens here:

There’s more

There’s much more to be said about abbreviations.

Here are just a few interesting bits:

I’ll cover things like these in the upcoming, Part 2, of this post.
Also, abbreviations are something I’ll definitely cover in the new edition of Mastering Vim Quickly: From WTF to OMG in no time.

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